Raspberry Coconut Breakfast Cake

Summer is the season for fresh Berries, and what better way to get the antioxidants into your system than by beginning your weekend with a slice of this delicious Raspberry Coconut Breakfast Cake! Actually, I was tempted by seeing the IHOP commercials about the Strawberry Festival that's going on, but it looked like way too many calories to indulge in. So to satisfy my sweet tooth, I thought of baking something that's not too unhealthy, and can pacify my cravings too. Thus was born this Raspberry Breakfast Cake - baked with fresh raspberries, almonds, coconut, a bit of vanilla, and coconut milk, it is a perfect way to enjoy a summer morning with a cup of hot coffee, as you plan how to spend the weekend with your family. Off this goes to Meeta's Mingle, celebrating Spring Cakes this season.

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1-3/4 cup sugar
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup sweetened flaked coconut
1/4 cup slivered almonds (optional)
3/4 cup chopped or whole raspberries

Lightly coat a 10-11 inch round cake pan or a regular Loaf pan with cooking spray, and set aside. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Sift the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda in a small bowl. Set aside. Mix the coconut flakes with the coconut milk and vanilla essence, whisk and set aside.

Cream the butter and sugar over medium speed until well combined. With the mixer still on medium speed, slowly add the eggs, one at a time, until completely incorporated. You can even do this by hand, making sure you beat well after addition of each egg, so the mixture becomes light and fluffy.

Now add the coconut milk mixture, followed by the flour mixture, beating slowly after each addition so that the batter becomes white and fluffy. Finally fold in the raspberries and slivered almonds.

Pour the batter evenly in the prepared cake pan, and Bake at 350 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes or until the center springs back when lightly pressed. Remove from the pan and allow to cool completely, before attempting to slice the cake.

Serve a wedge with coffee for breakfast. For a more indulgent dessert, cover the cake with white buttercream frosting and garnish with more fresh raspberries.

Related Recipes
Raspberry Swiss Roll Cake
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Amy said...

Mmm that cake looks and sounds wonderful! I love the combination of raspberries and coconut!

Manju said...

raspberries n coconut..yummy!

zobars said...

OOOOH !!! that looks very interesting. I must try making this one soon. thanks for sharing the recipe.

Parita said...

Wow thats a very nice combination..cake looks lovely..

Priya Suresh said...

Wat a delicious breakfast cake, am ready to have this cake for every breakfast, gorgeous!

Pavani said...

Yumm.. Yumm.. that cake looks super delicious. I can have it anytime of the day, not just for breakfast.

The Short (dis)Order Cook said...

I know what you mean about those IHOP commercials. Very tempting - and very fattening!

This cake looks great. I still have another month or so till raspberry season hits this area though. I know how to use those berries when I get them.

I love anything with coconut too!

Rina said...

Mansi, Love this cake...Its full of flavour, with coconut, rasberries, vanila and to add crunch there are almonds...love to try it..

Lisa Turner said...

Brilliant idea to use raspberries and coconut. Great blend of flavours for sure.

Shreya said...

coconut milk flavor must be great!:-)

Mansi said...

Glad you guys liked the recipe! I know it doesn't look as appealing as a dessert cake, but that's the beauty of this cake! It has all great flavors packed in a healthy way so you can enjoy a guilt-free treat any time of the day!:)

karuna said...

wowowo, loved the pic...and the cake. yummmoooo

amna said...

cake for breakfast! Bring it on!!

Rinku said...

i like the recipie very much.
keep updating with more yummy recipies

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Archana said...

Lovely combination...i just tried some carrot and coconut muffins...healthy cake is a wonderful idea :)

Rico said...

with something like that I would come around for breakfast any time.(providing you'd let me ) hehe delicious :) xx Rico-Recipes

rahin said...

hey mansi , i love the combination of coconut n raspberries, looks yummy

Meeta K. Wolff said...

Mansi - first great to see you coming over to the mingle. second even greater that you are bringing along this delicious looking cake. hugs!

A_and_N said...

Such a yummy combo, Mansi! Awesome entry :)

Anonymous said...

I love this blog..I tried this recipe with blueberries and it tastes good too. So I guess we could add any fruit( berry) to it!

Mansi said...

Thanks for the compliments Adity! glad you loved the recipe! Blueberries would be my second choice too, esp as they go great in coffee cakes:)

bobatea said...

OMG, I feels so Delicious,, I cant wait to eat it.

Rico said...

Looks way delicious and light, as well as full flavoured :) xx Rico-Recipes

Unknown said...

Cake for breakfast! Yummm!

Rumela said...

Hey those Raspberry Coconut Breakfast Cake look yummi,I love eating breakfast and always try new fast food recipes. I would love to try the coconut cake for breakfast. that looks tasty. coconut cake is also a snacks food option and can make a satisfying breakfast. The Photos are amazing... I am already feeling hungry. thank you for shearing your post.