Fried Ice Cream

Ice Creams have always been man's best friend! I can't imagine a world without this beautiful dessert...Everything started with a simple Vanilla Ice cream, and as the years went by, this little beauty transformed into different flavors and colors, spreading its charm upon family gatherings, peaceful evenings or large extravagant parties!! One such variation that I came across was "Fried Ice Cream". I tried it for the first time in an asian restaurant. I was baffled by the name and the concept, and just out of curiosity, we ordered this dessert. But we were very pleasantly surprised with what we saw - simple vanilla ice cream ball deep fried into a golden brown color, and the first bite itself was like a trip to heaven!! Hot and crispy on the outside, and soft and gooey on the inside, indulge into this creative dessert variety that is sure to win your hearts!!

This recipe is adapted from Emeril's recipe on his Food Network show. A perfect way to use plain leftover ice cream, huh?!

1 quart vanilla or coconut ice cream - 3-4 scoops
1 cup crushed frosted cornflakes (Kellogs or other)
1 cup sweetened coconut flakes (if you like nuts, use walnuts or choco-chip cookies)
2 large eggs
2 tbsp sugar
Vegetable oil, for frying
Hot chocolate sauce or strawberry sauce
Whipped cream (optional)

With an ice cream scoop, form 4 large balls of ice cream. Place on a dish and freeze for at least 2 hours. I tried going safe and actually froze it for 5 hours:)

Grind the cornflakes first so they are converted into a fine powder. Do the same with any other ingredients you are using, like walnuts or cookies.In a bowl, combine the cornflake crumbs with the coconut and walnuts (or cookies). Spread the mixture in a shallow dish. Now dip the ice cream balls in the crumb mixture, roll around so each ball is evenly coated with the mixture and freeze again for 30 minutes.

In a bowl, beat the eggs and sugar. Dip the coated ice cream balls into the eggs, then gently roll in the crumb mixture again, coating completely. In this case, the more you coat, the better it will be. No part of ice cream should be left uncoated!:)Freeze for another 1-2 hours, or until you are ready to serve.

Heat the oil in a large pot and wait till it is really hot (around 375 degrees). One at a time, lower the balls into the oil and fry until golden brown, about 10-15 seconds only. Do not fry more else the balls will crumble and the ice cream will melt!! Just long enough that the cornflake covering gets cooked.

Remove from the oil, drain on a piece of paper and place immediately in a dessert bowl. Drizzle with chocolate sauce and whipped cream and dazzle your guests with your Fried Coconut Ice Cream!! Remember, you should deep fry the balls immediately before serving only. Do not fry and keep!

Tip: If you want to make this eggless, try using maida (refined flour) with a little water and use this batter instead of egg yolks for fried ice cream. You can use any ice cream flavor that you like, but vanilla, coconut, butter pecan or chocolate would be the best suggestions. Also, try not skipping the coconut shavings in the mixture as this adds a nice crispy flavor to the dessert.

Similar Recipes:
Fried Banana with Ice Cream
Delicious Anjeer(Fig) Ice cream

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FH said...

OOH!! That came out so well for you.Looks delicous!I tried once, check my post for the result!!;p

Last time we went to Mexican restaurant,we ordered this, it was yummy.Good job Mansi!:)

Cris said...

I tried once too, it's on my Portuguese blog and found it sooo good!

Anonymous said...

This looks heavenly!!! and an amazing concept, really!!


Anonymous said...

wow, fried ice cream..never ever heard of it, but after reading the recipe I think I can relate to it more:) a so much fun way to serve than regular ice cream..i think i'll try it for a party next week! thanks for sharing the recipe:)

PS: I love your blog!


Anonymous said...

A trip to heaven sounds true!

Nora B. said...

This looks delicious. I am too "chicken" to try making it myself, but I do enjoy ordering it at restaurants.

bee said...

you are very brave and very talented, mansi.

bha said...

those really look heavenly....fried ice cream...yummy

Anonymous said...

Oh This is too good! I love fried ice cream! Thanks for the post :)

Kajal said...

Nice work and beautiful decoration too....Love your presentation my dear. :)

KellytheCulinarian said...

Looks delicious. I've only had fried ice cream in Mexican restaurants and it never looked this pretty!

Pdk said...

Fried icecream has turned out very well, Mansi.. looks tasty

Mansi said...

thanks guys..its not as tough as it looks, so I urge you all to try:)

Bee - that statement coming from you is like an award for me!! thnx:)

Priya- welcome to Fun and Food, and hope to see u more often!

Suganya said...

What do you mean by left-over ice cream? That never happens in my house :D. This looks difficult. You have done a great job!

Lissie said...

thank you manasi for visiting my blog! i have heard of fried ice cream, but never tasted it. will try your recipe sometime...i will visit you as often as possible. do visit my site again.

Anonymous said...

Yummmm.... Must be tasting heaven!!!

Shammi said...

Wow, Mansi! :) I remember the first time I had it in Chennai, it was a very new phenomenon (many years back!) - I thought it was brilliant... although I didnt bother making it at home. It sounds a bit time-consuming, doesnt it? And I'm SURE if I tried, the icecream would leak out and make a mess :D

african vanielje said...

Mansi, this is a great blog. I am a bit of an icecream fan, but have never tried fried. Will have to give it a go. Thanks for your comment on my blog, and please think about joining my apple & lavender event (TGRWT #6). I think you would be a great addition to the roundup.

Anonymous said...

I tried this ice-cream a couple of times in bangalore in a restaurant called SAGA not sagar and was amazed and the waiter wopuldn,t let out the secret.I wanted to know whether we need to the last frying bit just before the guests arrive or after they arrive.

amna said...

this is one recipe that has always fascinated me. have to try it one day. seems to have come out well for you!

Anonymous said...

All Food Is A Man's Best Friend until
Hahahah Well Ummm The Gut Get's In The Way And We Say HAY WERE THE FEET

zlamushka said...

Fried ice cream ? Wow... interesting,. My dad makes baked ice cream in a thin pie crust. The idea is to bakeit for 10 minutes in a very hot oven. But fried, I havent tried that one... Looks great,t hough :)

Mansi said...

Anonymous query - YES, you should fry the ice cream balls the last time immediately before serving. Keep them frozen till u are ready to serve, then deep fry and serve. you should not thaw them before serving

Emmie said...

I love fried ice cream, so easy and tasty - makes a great dinner party dessert.