10 Simple Healthy Eating Habits for Weight Loss and Management

The content below will not be new to a lot of you, and yet, as I said, it's always a good practice to revisit your eating habits. Just take a printout and put it on your fridge where you and your family can look at it every day. Its also a great way to make your kids aware of how important it is to watch what you eat! These daily dietery changes can keep you away from obesity and a lot of other health problems!
Never Skip your Breakfast - This is the most important meal of the day, and try to incorporate fresh fruit, unsweetened fruit juice, cereal with skim or 1 percent milk, fat-free muffins, oat and whole wheat breads in your breakfast. Cut your intake of syrups, whip cream and butter to half if possible.
Order Smaller Portions - It's not forbidden to eat out, but try to go for smaller portions or share dishes with friends. Also limit high-fat, high-calorie toppings and condiments, such as bacon, cheese, mayonnaise, sauces and dressings.
Space out Your Meals - Its very important to eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in over-eating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Have at least 4-5 meals a day and divide your calorie intake between them.
Enjoy Your Food - Sounds silly, but this is really important. Science has proved that it takes at least 20 minutes for the brain to register that you have eaten enough and it sends out "I am full" messages. So chew your food instead of gulping it down; relax and enjoy your meal as it can even psychologically elevate your moods.
Choose Broiled or Grilled over Fried - This option cuts out so much fat and calories with just a little compromise on the taste. And with proper seasonings and sauces, you might not even know the difference!
Choose Lean Meat and Green Salads - Salads are healthy, but they can become high-calorie because of the dressings and other additions. Load your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables, or healthy lean meats like turkey or chicken. Choose low-fat or fat-free dressings and limit cheese, eggs and croutons.
Beware of Sauces and Condiments - You'd be surprised at how many calories are loaded in mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces and condiments, and they have a very high sodium content!. Avoid these or go for lighter options when possible.
Choose Lighter Desserts - It's perfectly ok to celebrate an occasion with chocolate and cheesecake, but for most of your sweet-tooth cravings, settle for fresh fruits drizzled with honey or light whip cream
Switch to Olive Oil - Even when you are sauteeing your veggies, use wine or olive oil or canola oil instead of regular vegetable oil. Use nonstick cookware or cooking sprays to eliminate the need for oil or butter.
Create Variety in Food - The last, but not the least, its imperative that you include different types of nutrient-rich food in your meals. Eating the same thing everyday is boring and unhealthy; Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. Also fill up on fiber as that helps control your cravings.
These are simple daily habits that you can incorporate slowly. Changing your eating style can do wonders for your body and mind. Get to know your Healthy Foods and add them to your meals. Its alright to indulge in your favorite foods, but just make sure you don't over-do it, and make up for it the next day. Just keep these healthy eating tips in mind and enjoy your food. Your body will definitely thank you for it!
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when u look at it this way...its soo easy to eat healthy food...n i wonder why some have a problem with that!!! good post!!
I like your idea of putting up this list on my fridge!:) nice reminder every day:)
thanks Mansi!
very well-written article! appreciate your efforts in spreading the message of eating healthy!
Linda C
Great post Mansi. I have been exercising everyday since I changed my plans of blogging, and doing it in a right way now. Not stressing out everyday about everything is good too,we eat more mostly when we are stressed.
Well. My new post at FH is opposite of what you said here, so SORRY!;D
great writeup! small changes to life can go a long way, especially in matters of health!
Good write up Mansi. Now I have to try the idli manchurian at Amber
This is really a very informative post, Mansi! Yes, we should be reminded everyday to stay healthy and eat healthy. Thanks for spreading such wonderful and healthy thoughts.
Phew! this is just what the doctor ordered. I almost threw a fit when I weighed myself this morning!
Great post. And we do need to watch those condiments and sauces.I was thinking abput this this afternoon shopping. The make all the diffrencein those few extra calories.
Thanks for the great article! It is very helpful. I have noticed that as soon as I slack up on keeping a watch on what I eat, my weight shoots up. A permanent lifestyle change to incorporate all these points is required. Thanks and I will look forward to similar posts in future.
Great post, Mansi! Making better choices is often related to being aware of the mistakes we make, sometimes for the sake of "convenience." Have a great weekend! :)
I started eating 5-6 mini meals a day about 2 years ago, and it's the best change I've ever made. I'm never starved, and I am satisfied with small amounts of food.
I also have healthy snack bags ready for the car: unsalted almonds and raisins, a serving of dried cereal, or whole wheat crackers with pb, that way I'm not tempted to eat something less healthy.
Thanks for a great post, Mansi!
Thanks so much for your input friends!
How making small changes can help us big time! that's what its about, and i'm hapy to know so many of you support me:)
Susan - thanks for sharing those wonderful tips!
Nikita - thanks! and will surely writing more such posts!:)
A very nice learning post.
I also think one should not eat too late in the evening.
I never skip breakfast,
Hey what great ideas on healthy eating habits I have also got a blog on healthy eating come and take a look at www.healthyeatingideas.blogspot.com
Great and informative post Mansi!
Rosie x
Hey Guru, that's for your wisdom imparted in this post.
I like you suggestions. Everything's great except the lighter dessert. How can I do that. No that's impossible ;-)
Thanks Cynthia!
Jo- just try some fresh fruits topped with honey and whip cream, or just substitute honey for your sugar in desserts and you'll know the diff:)
Great pointers, girl! Have a wonderful weekend.
there are 5 calories in mustard per 2 tbsp, making it a great low-calorie condiment. Other than that, good article!
Great post friend.. But i am not sure about the usage of Non stick cookwares. Any information on the same will be really helpful.
This list provides us with such valuable info-thanks! It's amazing how small changes in our eating habits can really benefit us - and our waistline :) I have a similar blog that can provides insight to healhty eating, diet and wellness-check it out www.senseitalks.com
Thanks again for sharing these easy tips!
i like your site, good information. I am also interested in health. Here is my site http://www.healthy-eating.us
This post ought to serve as a reminder for everyone. Little changes in our diet and eating habits can go a long way. I believe that if everyone will incorporate these small changes in their lifestyle, no one will complain about being too fat or too big.
Your suggestions are very motivating. But at times the heart is willing but the flesh is weak. Some are lazy for exercises too. Saying a BIG NO to your favorite dishes is very depressing. For some every New Year Resolution would be "I would start my diet from Jan 1st". Not even a week and the resolution is rolled over.
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Wonderful post! Eating healthy is achievable every time if you stick to plans, Having a guide will definitely help and this one just made it to my top list! thanks.
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