I'm a Mommy Now!!

Hey folks! Many of you have inquired about my recent disappearance from the blogging scene, asking me if everything is alright - well, thanks for all your concerns. I'm proud and happy to share some great news with you - We were blessed with a beautiful angel on July 20th, as she entered our lives and conquered our hearts! She's 10 days old now, and all of us, including Daddy, are doing fine:) We are getting adjusted to each other's routines, though 99% of the times, she's the boss!!:)D (image credit- redbubble)

So, how am I feeling? well, its like a roller-coaster ride - one day I feel so down and depressed my DH fears I'll fall victim to PPD:), and the next day I am all vibrant and happy - so its a mixed bag of emotions, but one look at her angelic face and its all GOOD!! Motherhood is indeed a wholesome and fulfilling experience, and we are thankful to God for this blessing! I personally thank all of my blog friends too who kept inquiring about my health all this time - and also for your best wishes.

I'm recovering well, and simply enjoying this time of being a new mom, gazing at our bundle of joy. My mom's here, so that's a great help! But I do have loads of stuff to share and blog about, so be rest assured, you'll see some activity on this space soon!!

Till then, Happy Cooking!!

If you liked this post, please subscribe to our feed so you'd never miss a recipe or article again!


Khaugiri said...

Hey Congratulations dear!!!!!! Enjoy this lovely phase of life......

Pavani said...

Hearty Congratulations Mansi. Hope the little one is doing well. Take care of yourself and enjoy your time with the little one, believe me, they grow so fast that its difficult to even remember. I miss my son's tooth-less smiles and wobbly walks now that he's parroting everything we say and running around crazy. Take care.

Sonia said...

Congratulations!!! :)

jayasree said...

Congrats Mansi.. Enjoy your motherhood. We can wait for you...

Mala Venkatesh said...

Hey Mansi,

Congratulations !!! Enjoy your new bundle of joy...

Take care


CurryLeaf said...

I was thinking you were on a small break,THANKS for sharing this GREAT NEWS with us.

Snooky doodle said...

congratulations! I m so happy for you :)

chef and her kitchen said...

Oh thats a great news..COngrats on this part..Happy parenting..take care..:)

amna said...

congrats Mansi. Great news :)

Rachel said...

Congrats Mansi...

Soma said...

Mansi, Big Big Congratulations to you & your family! Enjoy your time with the little princess - the sweet bundle of joy & surprises.. it is indeed a time like never before!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! : )

shaikh said...

great news and let me grab this opportunity to congratuates. may god blessed you and ur baby and keep you away from all misforutune. this is the time when a woman ccompletes herself when she gets Motherhood. all the best.

musical said...

Congratulations, Mansi!!

Shelly said...


Finla said...

Congragulations Manasi.
Enjoy the time with your litle one.

kusum said...

Congratulations....That is such a great news. Though I never get to write or post any comments, I think this is the time to send my greetings to you. Yes, being a mom is such a wonderful experience. I am a silent admirer of your blog...and a mother of 23 month old boy....so I know what's the feeling of becoming a mother. You gave us so much via your blog. Just enjoy your motherhood....
With many blessings for your little one.

Red Chillies said...

Congratulations dear Mansi, enjoy the beauty of motherhood.

Medhaa said...

This is great news, Congratulations Pooja

Sangeeth said...

congrats Mansi...very happy for you

Kerstin said...

Congrats!! What fabulous news! Glad you and the little one are doing well :)

Poornima Nair said...

Heyy...congratulations...that is great news!

TheSassyTomato said...

Wow!Congratulations! I just recently subscribe to your blog, so I didn't know about your health condition. Me and my DH also are trying to have our first baby. Goodluck w/ motherhood and many more blessings to come :)

TeaLady said...

Oh!! Congrats on your new family member. So much joy. so much work, so much JOY!!!

UjjU said...

Congrats :) We are also sailin in the same boat, since the last 21 days :) Have fun & take care :) Wotz your lil angel called?

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Congratulations, Mansi.
Take care and have fun being parents. It's an experience quite like nothing else. :)

Vaidehi Bhave said...

Hey congratulations !!

A_and_N said...

OMG, congrats! :) I was telling A that you've vanished after we tried some recipe from here.

Have fun while it lasts ;)

Pooja said...

Congrats Mansi :) Have a great time with your little angel and wishing you a speedy recovery!

Siri said...

Congratulations Mansi! Great news.


Rupa said...

Congratulations on this wonderful news, wish you a life time of wonderful memories with your bundle of joy. You kept the secret quite well for a long time now :) May be we will see some recipes/notes from your previous cravings LOL? I had some blues for about 10-14 days and once the hormones stabilized, all was well. I am sure you will be fine.

Unknown said...


Mansi said...

thanks a lot ppl, for all your best wishes and love! it means a lot to me at this point, and I appeciate the friendship I've gained through this blog world!:)

Cris said...

This is the best news I could hear from you! Congratulations! Enjoy each moment... and when you feel down, look at that cute little face that means the world to you... Take care... If I can help with anything (I know we are far away) but internet is here for that reason :-)

karuna said...

congratulations, tht sure is good news. take care all 3 of u. congratsonce again.

Raaga said...

congratulations to all of you Mansi. What have you decided to name her?

Unknown said...

Congratulations :)

Lisa Turner said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news. Take care.

Bergamot said...

Congrats... take care

Mahek said...

I hope the best of everything you wish for you and your family

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mansi! Wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of fun with your new bundle of joy. Hope to hear more about the baby in your blog.

vandana rajesh said...

Congratulations Mansi...gr8 phase in life...enjoy it. Love ur blog and have been enjoying reading every single post.

sunita said...

Congrats dear Mansi...welcome to motherhood. Enjoy the special moments, kids grow up way too soon :-)

Johanna GGG said...

congratulations - every challenge and struggle seems worthwhile when you get a big gummy smile - enjoy!

Usha said...

Congratulations !!!

Anitha said...

Congratulations Mansi!!

Russell Abravanel said...

Congratulations!!! : )

Bhagyashri said...

Congratulations! Thats really good news.

BumbleVee said...

may I just add my congratulations !!
Hormones will adjust after a bit... there will be ups and downs.... enjoy your new little one...

Mamatha said...

Congratulations Mansi!

Richa said...

Congratulations Mansi!!

Param said...

Heartiest Congratulations to you and your family... :) Enjoy your time with your bundle of joy and have a speedy recovery... :)

Nic said...

How exciting, many congratulations to you!

Namratha said...

Congrats Mansi! :) I know I'm late here, getting a chance to blog hop only now, been busy. Have a wonderful time with the little one :)

Zo-Ya said...

Congratulations Mansi! Love and Wishes to the little one! and best wishes to the new mommy and daddy!:)

Anonymous said...

I got so tired of trying to find ways for healthy living, I’m so thankful that I was able to see this site, wow it made me speechless, they have almost what I needed, like alternative health, neuro feedback, holistic healing, alternative natural healing and dynamic psychotherapy. Got to see these guys, it is really a big help for me.

Rahin said...

Hey Mansi, Congratulations !! your world has changed :) lots of love to ur angel , btw whats her name ? take care and have fun ....my son is one n I already miss him being what he was months ago :)