Event Announcement - WBB#20 - Balanced Breakfast

WBB, short for Weekend Breakfast Blogging, was started by Nandita of Saffron Trail almost a year ago with the aim of collecting interesting recipes for a weekend breakfast. Travelling through a series of top-notch hosts, the honor lands with me this time. Breakfasts are the most important meal of the day, and we often tend to neglect them completely, or just gulp something down with a cup of caffeine or juice! But I guess we all know that we need to pay more attention to our breakfasts as this is the meal that lays the foundation of your day, giving you energy and invigorating your brain cells so you can meet the challenging tasks ahead! At least during the weekends, we should have enough time to make something delicious yet wholesome for our families, right??!! So to give justice to this first meal of the day, I choose "Balanced Breakfast Meals" as this month's theme for WBB#20.

The rules for sending in an entry are as following:

1. Your breakfast should contain at least one item from the above list. But I'm really expecting all you fabulous foodies to come up with entrees that have more than 2 items from the list!

2. All dishes must be vegetarian; eggs and cheese is allowed, just no meat or seafood (sorry, but this is a vegetarian blog:))

3. Send me an email at mansibshah@gmail.com with your name, entry, picture of your dish and permalink to the post with the subject WBB#20. Please link back to this announcement in your post. You can use the above logo in your posts.

4. Deadline for sending in entries is March 31st. The roundup will be done in the 1st week of April

That's it, simple and sweet. So all you fabulous cooks out there, get ready to don your aprons and dish out delicious balanced breakfast recipes to share with others. After all, there can never be enough "balanced breakfasts"!!

This event's roundup is now available at WBB-Balanced Breakfasts Mega Roundup

If you liked this post, please subscribe to our feed so you'd never miss a recipe or article again!


Anonymous said...

Quote: Breakfasts are the most important meal of the day... I completely agree.

amna said...

count me in! for sure :)

Unknown said...

Excellent theme Mansi...we tend to focus on carbs mainly for breakfast, ignoring the fact that it is proteins that will keep us going till lunchtime...and if we have the carbs and proteins, we tend to skip the fruit...Admire you for coming up with this theme that is a challenge plus is very good for everyone concerned...
Good luck with the event...shall note it on my blog too.

Núria said...

Hi Mansi! I would love to participate!!! I'm one of those who knows about the theory but then the practice is morning rush and coffee and cookies and gone!!!!
This one will be our weekend breakfast :D

Lavanya Raj said...

i love the logo mansi..will surely take part in it.

Raaga said...

my Pear-Ginger muffins will fit so nicely in this category... it has 3 out of the 4... but it was posted before your WBB announcement!!

Happy hosting

FH said...

Healthy eats and balanced brekkie sounds the same. My Thalipeeth would do for this too!;D
Will see what I can bring you, will go on blog break this month, kids have Spring break and the beach is calling!:))

Finla said...

In my place breakfast is always one slice of home made bread (spelt bread) with marmalde, cheese or nutella or once a while eggs etc.......... so can i send in cheese omelette??

Namratha said...

Good choice Mansi, glad that u mentioned the ingredients, makes my life so much easier :D I hope to come up with something! :)

Sia said...

count me in girl:)

Mansi said...

Thanks for all your enthusiasm folks! this is a bit of a challenge, and I'm hoping people can take that extra step!:)

Raaga - you can still send me those muffins, they sound great!

Asha - I'm sure you can cook up something quick before your break:)

HC - cheese omelette with a few veggies insode works great!:) so send it in!

Pooja said...

I am in Mansi with this. Lovely idea to keep all cooking healthy dishes :)) .

Kalva said...

sure,, i would def participate!!

Medhaa said...

I am new to blgging and love cooking, will surely take part.

Vaishali said...

Sounds like a great theme, Mansi, and I'd love to participate. Thanks for hosting!

Srivalli said...

Will surely try to participate!

Archana Doshi said...

will contribute!

Johanna GGG said...

I hope I will be able to participate as I like the challenge to make a more substantial breakfast - we have a long weekend coming up so maybe will manage something then!

Just wanted to let you know that I have made your koftas in tomato gravy from a few weeks back - will post on it soon - great recipe, thanks

Gretchen Noelle said...

I know exactly what I plan to do! Yeah!

Mansi said...

Thanks for sharing the enthusiasm people! I know this theme is a bit challenging, but I'm counting on all you wonderful cooks out there to spread the message of Balanced Breakfasts!!:)

pls spread the word, and start cooking!!

Cris said...

How nice!!! I think I have something in mind!

Unknown said...

Mansi, count me in!!!

mallugirl said...

interesting yet so relevant theme. i will try and make it before the deadline.

Archy said...

Wow.. Shall participate..
Healthy BF for a healthy Day Mansi !!

Unknown said...

Balanced diet what a neat idea for the event. I am always trying thing to balance a meal.
Will send in my entry soon Mansi.

GourmayMasala said...

Hey Mansi - My tofu spinach roti does seem appropriate for this event... But is it ok that it was posted a while back?

Lisa said...

Sounds great, Mansi. I'll defintely try to enter something!

Anonymous said...

I think I might be a bit late to get my act together to join in with this but I just wanted to say what a great them for a breakfast event!

Anonymous said...

A well-balanced breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. Its interesting to create a breakfast that'll meet the daily morning nutrition requirement. I'd love to try out something here..

The Peanut Butter Boy said...

Oooh, I'll have to enter! This is my first time to this blog but I like what I see. Can we enter several times? I have a few recipes up my sleeve that I've recently posted about.

- The Peanut Butter Boy

Simply...Gluten-free said...

If I can figure out some time I'm in! And something other than my protien shake for breakfast sounds like a really great idea!

Anonymous said...

Hey....I just sent you my entry.Hope you got it.Thanks for hosting such a great event.

Madhavi said...

Hey Mansi..great theme :))I'll take part.

Madhavi said...

Hi..i sent u recipe, hope you got it.

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)