Announcing AFAM-October (A Fruit a Month) - Peach/Nectarine

This event's roundup has been posted! Thanks for everyone's overwhelming response that made this event a huge hit! I look forward to hosting more fun blog events in the future for my friends and readers.

Please Visit AFAM-Peach Roundup to see the delicious spread of Peach Recipes


Your recipe should contain Peach or Nectarine in any form (try using fresh fruit if possible, and I'd urge to refrain from using fruit essence if possible, as that would not be complete justice to the fruit.) As this is a vegetarian blog, I'd be grateful if you do not send in any non-vegetarian recipes.

Post the recipe on your blog in the month of October; include a brief intro about the fruit choice and the concept of your dish and please include a link to this post to complete the circle and get more readers to know about this event. Feel free to use the logo above in your post.

Email me your name,blog name, the picture and permalink of your recipe to with AFAM -Peach as the subject, on or before 1st November 2007. Please include a pic of 250x250 pixels if possible.

The roundup will be announced between 5th-7th November. So make sure you send in your entries before Nov 1st. Help me make this event a success by asking your friends to send in their entries too...The More the Merrier!!

If you liked this post, please subscribe to our feed so you'd never miss a recipe or article again!


Apple said...

Never tasted a peach before....'ll have to taste now...Count me in Mansi

Coffee and Vanilla said...

I will be sending my entry your way very soon.

Geetings, Margot

FH said...

Great choice Mansi. Got to but some Peach next Saturday!:))

KellytheCulinarian said...

I'm so excited! I just came back from Eastern Market and I saw so many varieties of peaches that I'm sure I can find something tasty. The real challenge is doing it without a stove ...

Sharmi said...

lovely selection of fruit! all the best on hosting!

Tee said...

All right! Peach it is :) Hope to make it in time with some great recipe :)

Mansi said...

Thanks guys!! I'm looking forward to many delicious recipes, so don't disappoint me!:)

Kelly - how about cooking something at your friend's place, or maybe in a microwave!? or u alwasy have an option for a drink:D

Unknown said...

Good choice! All the best hosting the event.

Ketki said...

Hey Mansi...count me in..I think I have the perfect recipe..! Cant wait to make it..!

bee said...

yay. jai has made a dish already. why do you think i was goading you to pick peach? lol.

Richa said...

peach maney baujj' bhavey, pan aiya season khatam thayee gayi che! malsey to joees!

Raaga said...

Peaches are out of season here :-) but I'll see what I can come up with.

Viji said...

Any Telepathy? My entry is ready! Count me in. Viji

Lissie said...

nice choice, mansi! will try to participate...

Kribha said...

I do not know much about peach. But I'll come up with something soon.

Padma said...

COunt me in!

Finla said...

I am in.And really glad one is allowed to use canned ones.
But if i see the fresh ones in the supermarket i am sure going to make something with them.

Roopa (KitchenAromas) said...

M, would you accept entries that are already posted? I blogged about a peachy delight on Oct 2nd. Let me know

Swaruchy said...

Sure mansi....will surely send a yummy entry :-)

Cris said...

Great! Will try something here and will let you know.

Siri said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and also fro ur sweet comments mansi..:D.. I will definitely send some entry for ur event..:)

Kalva said...

Mansi, Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your wonderful comments. I was actually planning to participate in your Peach event. Hope i can come up with some yummy recipe. Thanks again!

Suganya said...

Wow! I missed this announcement. Great choice I should say Mansi.

Anonymous said...

I peromised myself to send an entry for October's AFAM but peaches...Gosh...It's autumn here in France and how can I get some peaches now!!!I guess I have to use frozen or cannes one!

Mansi said...

I'm sorry for peaches being out of season in some places guys, really!! that's why canned peaches are allowed!:) and thanks to supermarkets, you'll get them all year round! so get cooking, no excuses!:D

Abby said...

Hi! I'll certainly try to take part - peaches are one of my fave fruits! I've never cooked with canned ones before (and fresh ones aren't in my local grocery stores anymore - I checked last week!)

I'll see what I can come up with... thanks for the invitation, and thanks for stopping by my blog, too!

Calories In That said...

I'm always up for a challenge! Count me in. :)

Chandrika said...

Mansi, good choice! I will surely partcipate! :-)

Deeba PAB said...

Hi Mansi...Have put my thinking cap on. Being in India, we are restricted by season to the fruit we get. Unfortunately, the peach appears strictly in the summer with the other fleshy,juicy fruit like plums,apricots etc. Hmmmmmmmmm...would love to be part of your event. Will certainly try my dear.LOL

Mallika said...

Hi Mansi - thx for letting me know about the event. Normally, I'm toooo disorganised to participate in blogging event, but I am definitely going to try this one.

Unknown said...

Aaaarrgghhh... too bad those fruits are not in season in New Zealand. We're still in Spring right now...awww... Happy hosting!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to AFAM-peach event. Being almost a newbie and swamped with work, I have been totally no upto speed with events. Peach is a hard one - I surely will give it a try :)

Siri said...

just sent u my entry dear


S. C. R. said...

Um...peaches, at least in the American south, have been out of season for over a month. Not that I don't love a peach. And not that I didn't hoard over 15 pounds of them into my freezer this summer. I'm just saying...

Raaga said...

Can you give me a day or two's extension? I've been swamped with work and have not been able to upload the pics from my camera.

AnuSriram said...

I would love to join this... Will be in with a recipe before nov 1st.

Shandy said...

Hello and I may be new to this blogging and entry fun. . .Yay! but I sooo have to do this one! The reason is because first, I have canned my first batch of peaches this summer and second, I have a, once secret, personal recipe that involves the delectable peach and I want to share! =D


renuka said...

Just visited your blog a great one indeed.I'll try my best to get into the event.All the best Mansi

Sayangku Ayone said...

Great job Mansi. I hope I can join the next AFAM.
